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2023 Calgary MQG Recap

We started the year on Zoom, and were joined by some fabulous speakers - our very own Judy Farrow kicked us off in January, Rhonda from Schmetz Needles joined us in February. We welcomed Tighe Flanagan in March talking about his approach to technology and quilts, followed by Heather Kinion from QuiltPatternMart. We capped off our electronic meeting series with a talk by 2022 QuiltCon Best of Show winner Verushka Zarote.

Zoom also allows for some fabulous learning opportunities, including David Owens Hasting teaching his Mini Mod technique in February

The Calgary Stampede was back in full stride this year, and we joined them for a guild day. Our 2021 and 2022 QuiltCon Community Giving Quilts came along with us, and guild member Phillipa won her section with a quilt coat inspired by our 2017 Libs Elliott class.

In the fall, we held our first annual retreat! Three full days of sewing and companionship in beautiful Canmore, Alberta

We saw our 2022 QuiltCon Community Giving Quilt in Phoenix, and are looking forward to seeing the 2023 edition in Atlanta.

We did lots (and lots) of community projects!

And we made journal covers to share.

Thanks to everyone for a great 2022! We look forward to seeing you in 2023.



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