Held January 18, 2024 at the Wildwood Community Association
In attendance: 50 Members and no Guests
The Guild's President, Carole Glass called the meeting to order at 7:05. She then gave an update of the guild's activities over the past year, noting that the guild has grown in size, now organizes semi-annual retreats and a robust programming calendar, with various block programs. She noted that sew days have not filled up during the year, and have been paused for the time being. Members can also access MQG content with their membership, which means the Calgary MQG membership is good value, as members can access both local and international content for the same price as an individual guild membership, given the current currency conversion factor.
The Chair thanked the outgoing officers for their service:
President - Carole Glass
Vice President - Heather Tudor
Treasurer - Barbara Williamson
Secretary - Karin King
Minutes from the 2024 AGM: Linda Schmidt moved for approval of the minutes from the 2024 AGM , as circulated in the pre-meeting email. Francine Bannon seconded and minutes were approved by all in attendance.
Financial Report: Barb Williamson, the guild’s treasurer, presented the financial statements for the 2024 fiscal year. She noted that Michelle Middleton had reviewed the statements, and did not find any issues. Barb moved for approval of the financial statements, which was seconded by Michelle and approved by all in attendance
Bylaw changes: The Chair noted that there was a request to amend Article 3(K) -Membership to include the following wording: Guests may attend one free meeting a year. Josee Element moved to approve the amendment, Kerry Foster seconded the motion, and it was approved by all in attendance.
The Chair noted that there was a request to amend Article 8 Executive Officers, Item (4) Secretary to include in the duties: The administration of guild records. Heather Tudor moved to approve the amendment, Kate McKinnon seconded the motion, and it was approved by all in attendance.
Guild executive:
The Chair then introduced the following individuals, who have offered to stand for election for the 2025 Guild Executive.
Secretary - Kim Brown
Treasurer - Beth Dobson
Vice President - Krista McIntosh
President - Heather Tudor
Motions were made to elect all of the officers into their positions.
Shannon Lane moved that Kim Brown be elected Secretary of the Guild with full rights and privileges, including signing authority for the bank account. The motion was seconded by Michelle Berry, and all in attendance approved.
Heather Tudor moved that Beth Dobson be elected Treasurer of the Guild with full rights and privileges, including signing authority for the bank account. The motion was seconded by Barb Williamson, and all in attendance approved.
Claire Young moved that Krista McIntosh be elected Vice President of the Guild with full rights and privileges. The motion was seconded by Jane Dutton and all in attendance approved.
Nancy Kanuka moved that Heather Tudor be elected President of the Guild with full rights and privileges, including signing authority for the bank account. The motion was seconded by Gail Horvath, and all in attendance approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 and the programming portion of the meeting resumed.