We are ready for a new logo! We've had our current logo for the last eight years, and so much has changed in that time. We're looking for new ideas and designs to make our logo more practical for our website, social media, and the new availability of print-on-demand items.
Text - Calgary Modern Quilt Guild or Calgary MQG/MQG Calgary.
The logo must look professional. We can work with your ideas to make them ready for use. We know you are not graphic designers… unless you are!
Must be easy to read, especially in smaller sizes.
Should look good in 2 colours – black and white, or 2 other colours, but can also have a multi-color version. Note that The Modern Quilt Guild no longer has the multi-colour logo that our current logo was based on. The new MQG Purple logo was chosen for readability.
The logo doesn’t need to coordinate with our website colours. They can all be changed.
Could have different versions for small, large, square, rectangular, etc.
Logo can be sewing or quilt related, but not a requirement.
For use on:
Calgary MQG website
Community quilt labels
Printed materials
Social Media
T-shirts, merch, and anything else we dream up.
The final logo needs to be high-resolution and suitable for high-quality printing. We are ok with doodles/ sketches/ mock-ups, of your ideas, and will work to recreate them at high resolution as needed.
Feel free to collaborate with others
We will be asking for guild input/vote when we are closer to making some final design decisions. We will also find a way to acknowledge/reward those whose ideas/designs are used.
CALMQG reserves the right to not select a design if no suitable entries are received.
Calgary MQG may make modifications to the logo as necessary.
Ownership of the logo will transfer to the Calgary MQG.
Logo designs are due at or before our February meeting.
If hard copies, bring them to the meeting on Feb 16, 2023.
Email digital files to calgarymqg@gmail.com
Current logo design by Louise Phelps.